Do not confine your children to your own learning, for they were born in a different time

Who we are

Put simply, we are a team of teachers. A selection of hand picked good eggs make up the team. We all have common goals and are passionate about pupil success but we all have different areas of expertise. Cobbled together we make a one stop shop to cater for all your needs as a parent trying to support and help your child through their education. 

We will cover all stages of education from Nursery through to when your fledglings fly the nest and head off to university or their chosen career. We have experienced experts from all stages, subjects and leadership roles from schools in order to supply helpful and effective guidance supporting you as parents.

We are here to fill the gaps between parents, schools and pupils. We will equip you to fully support your children through their time at school by giving you the knowledge and understanding that will truly empower you to do that effectively.  We have all, as parents, sat and scratched our heads at some point with a question about our kids’ school experience. A question not worth bothering the busy school with so we leave it. We want you to have all the answers you need, when you need them. We are not here to work against teachers and schools, we understand the current demands on teachers and have the opportunity to support them. After all, the more successful the kids are at school, the better the outcomes for them, you as parents and the schools they attend. Everybody wins!

Our Mission

We believe in parents! We believe they are key to pupils succeeding. We also believe in pupils and teachers but the demands on both are often over-whelming. We aim to empower parents to truly assist their children in achieving academic and personal success and thus increase their life chances.

Why Us

We aim to ensure you do not find yourself in the same position as the family in featured in our blog (linked below). You will be given the advice, knowledge and skills needed to help your child succeed, something every parent wants surely. We are approachable, friendly and here for you. We are those ‘favourite’ teachers we all had who care, have fun and nothing is too much trouble. No question is too silly, we want to help. Be warned though, we will not tell you what we think ‘you want to hear’! Sometimes, the truth won’t be easy but it will be worth it as together we will make sure your children do the best they can!

We will be adding guidance, blogs and resources for all these areas as we grow

Primary School

Foundation Stage:
Nursery & Reception
Key Stage 1:
Year 1 & Year 2

Junior School

Key Stage 2:
Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 & Year 6

High School

Key Stage 3:
Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9
Key Stage 4:
Year 10 and Year 11

Sixth Form, College
and Beyond

Key Stage 5:
Year 12 & Year 13