The School Report

We know how to use it

What we do for you?

we track progress

We will keep and track your child's grades throughout their school journey. We will monitor them just like their school does but....

We make sure you know

We tell you. We say it how it is. We tell you what you need to know to truly help your child. It may not be what you want to hear but we do this by....

Giving you the whole picture

Identifying trends, highlighting strengths and weaknesses, keeping you informed of progress or regression and giving you the tools and advice to respond accordingly....

Advice and feedback

We give you knowledge and control. We give you targets, advice and everything you need to know to help your child and deal with their school....

complete the triangle

The child, the school and the parent. No longer will you be looking in from the outside, hoping for some information and wondering how to help, you will be informed and the key to your child's success.....

Everybody wins!

Your child gets better results and prospects. The school can boast better results. You get what every parent wants, the best outcome for your child and you played your part.

Everything you need to help your child succeed

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